Read more about the article A TCF4-dependent gene regulatory network confers resistance to immunotherapy in melanoma
Highlights • Drug-naive human melanomas contain cancer cells in a MES state • Melanoma cells in the MES state are enriched in on-treatment lesions refractory to ICB • TCF4 promotes the MES while suppressing the melanocytic and antigen presentation programs • Targeting TCF4 expression increases sensitivity to ICB and targeted therapy

A TCF4-dependent gene regulatory network confers resistance to immunotherapy in melanoma

*면역 체크포인트 차단제(immune checkpoint blockade, ICB)에 대한 내재적 저항성을 더 잘 이해하기 위해, 우리는 치료받지 않은 melanoma 생태계의 세포 구조에 대한 포괄적인 관점을 확립하고 ICB를 투여했을 때 어떻게 진화하는지 연구했다. 단일 세포, 공간 다중 오믹스(single-cell, spatial multi-omics)를 사용하여, 우리는 **종양 미세환경(tumor microenvironment, TME)이 복잡한 melanoma transcriptomic landscape의 출현을 촉진한다는 것을 보여주었다. ***중간엽 유사(mesenchymal-like, MES) 상태를 가진 melanoma 세포, 즉 표적 치료에 대한 저항성을 부여하는 것으로 알려진 세포군은 ICB에 반응하지 않는 환자들의 초기 치료 생검에서 상당히 풍부하게 발견되었다. TCF4는 이 landscape의 허브로서 MES signature의 주요 조절자(master regulator)이자 멜라노사이트(melanocytic) 및 항원 제시(antigen presentation) transcriptional program의 억제제 역할을 한다. 유전적으로나 약물학적(bromodomain 억제제 사용)으로 TCF4를 표적하는 것은 MES 세포의 면역원성과 ICB 및 표적 치료에 대한 민감도를 증가시켰다. 따라서, 우리는 여러 transcriptional program을 조정하고 melanoma에서 표적 치료와 ICB에 대한 저항성에 기여하는 TCF4 의존적 규제 네트워크를 밝혀냈다.

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Read more about the article Lung dendritic-cell metabolism underlies susceptibility to viral infection in diabetes
a,b, WT (n = 27) and Akita (n = 19) mice infected with 200 plaque-forming units (pfu) PR8, log-rank Mantel–Cox test. a, Survival. Inset, lung PR8 RNA 10 d.p.i., WT (n = 16) and Akita (n = 7) mice infected with 50 pfu PR8, two-sided Mann–Whitney U-test. b, Lung NP34-tetramer+CD8+ T cells, two-sided Mann–Whitney U-test. c,d, Mice infected with 50 pfu PR8, treated with insulin (Ins)/phosphate-buffered saline (PBS): WT+PBS (n = 16), WT+Ins (n = 15), Akita+PBS (n = 13), Akita+Ins (n = 15), Kruskal–Wallis test with Dunn’s correction, two pooled experiments. c, Lung PR8 RNA. d, Lung NP34-tetramer+CD8+ T cells. e,f, Mice infected with 200 pfu PR8, administered STZ (n = 18 for e, n = 9 for f) or PBS (n = 30 for e, n = 20 for f). e, Survival, log-rank Mantel–Cox test. Inset, lung PR8 RNA 10 d.p.i., mice infected with 50 pfu PR8, administered STZ (n = 9) or PBS (n = 20), two-sided Mann–Whitney U-test. f, Lung NP34-tetramer+CD8+ T cells, two-sided Mann–Whitney U-test. g,h, Mice infected with 50 pfu PR8, administered STZ or PBS, treated with Ins/PBS: PBS+PBS (n = 27 for g, n = 19 for h), PBS+Ins (n = 19 for g, n = 15 for h), STZ+PBS (n = 10 for g, n = 4 for h), STZ+Ins (n = 17 for g, n = 11 for h), Kruskal–Wallis test with Dunn’s correction. g, PR8 RNA, three pooled experiments. h, Lung NP34-tetramer+CD8+ T cells, two pooled experiments. i,j, Db/Db (n = 9 for i, n = 10 for j) and WT (n = 10 for i, n = 15 for j) mice infected with 200 pfu PR8. i, Survival, log-rank Mantel–Cox test. Inset, lung PR8 RNA 10 d.p.i., WT (n = 20) and Db/Db (n = 10) mice infected with 50 pfu PR8, three pooled experiments, two-sided Mann–Whitney U-test. j, NP34-tetramer+CD8+ T cells, two-sided Mann–Whitney U-test. k, Survival, WT (n = 15) and Akita (n = 18) mice infected with 200 pfu PVM, log-rank Mantel–Cox test. Inset, lung PVM RNA 10 d.p.i., WT (n = 15) and Akita (n = 17) mice infected with 50 pfu PVM, two-sided Mann–Whitney U-test. All P values are indicated in Supplementary Table 1. All data mean+s.e.m. a.u., Arbitrary units.

Lung dendritic-cell metabolism underlies susceptibility to viral infection in diabetes

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